Solar Atmospheres of California Adds Sikorsky Approval
Fontana, CA – November 14, 2022 – Solar Atmospheres of California is pleased to announce it has been awarded the approval to process parts for Lockheed Martin (LMCO) owned Sikorsky. The Sikorsky approval adds to the existing LMCO process specifications held for vacuum heat treatment of titanium, nickel alloys and stainless steel per AMS 2801, AMS 2774, AMS 2759/3 and various other specs.
Frank Trujillo, Director of Sales for Solar Atmospheres’ California facility states, “We are proud and honored to once again provide our customers in the Western U.S. the best vacuum thermal process option for their flight-critical aerospace parts and assemblies. With our wide range of furnaces, we can process loads up to 50,000 pounds and measuring up to 24 feet in length, while reaching temperatures as high as 2400°F. This translates into improved lead-times, greater efficiencies, and substantial cost savings for our customers.”
For more information about vacuum heat treating services at Solar Atmospheres, visit, or contact Frank Trujillo at 866-559-5994 ext. 1333, or