Air Heat Treating

Air Processing Heat Treating Services

Heat Treating – Air Processing

Air Temper, Stress Relieve, or Precipitation Age Harden

If your part may exhibit surface oxidation post heat treat and and/or will be further machined or ground, Solar can help you save money. Every Solar facility has the capability to either air temper, stress relieve, or precipitation age harden various materials. Ovens meet the pyrometry requirements of AMS 2750 class 2 (±10°F). Other air processes may include curing and annealing of polymers, bake-out/degassing of parts, and annealing or age hardening of aluminum and aluminum alloys.

Furnace sizes from 1 cubic foot to 60″ wide by 60″ high and 240″ deep with load capacities up to 30,000 lbs.

14 Foot Air Furnace
Air Temper, Stress Relieve, or Precipitation Age Harden


Materials Processed

  • Tool Steels
  • Alloy Steels
  • Stainless Steels
  • PH Stainless Steels
  • Polymers
  • Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys