Congressman Kelly Visits Solar Atmospheres of Western PA

Congressman Kelly Visits Solar Atmospheres
Congressman Mike Kelly (center) inspects critical components prior to their vacuum thermal processing at Solar Atmospheres.

August 22, 2018 – This past week US Representative Mike Kelly (PA District 3) was thrilled to tour Solar Atmospheres of Western PA. The congressman, a leading supporter to small business, was able to observe and hear firsthand how tax reform has influenced Solar’s future. Kelly was extremely pleased to hear how the tax reform bills, that he supported, have spurred tremendous private investment and job creation within the Hermitage PA facility.

While touring the 80,000 square foot state of the art facility, Representative Kelly was able to marvel at the operation of the world’s largest 48 foot long vacuum furnace. In addition, the Congressman observed a vast array of defense, aerospace, and medical components being thermally processed within smaller vacuum furnaces.

The Congressman stated, “I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to Solar Atmospheres in Hermitage last week. It is truly a world-class facility that I’m proud to represent right here in the Shenango Valley.  It was fascinating to learn more about what they are producing, and just as importantly, how they are producing it. I was particularly glad to speak with Solar’s dedicated professionals about the specific policies I can support to help them thrive in our community, including tax reform and the revival of the Export Import Bank.”

For additional information about Solar Atmospheres, contact Mike Johnson at 724-982-0660 x2223 or